The Village

To lead and support the people of Oditel, Kapelebyong to become self-sustaining; so they will reach out and support other villages.

Kapelebyong is an IDP (Internally Displaced People) camp located in Northern Uganda. War, AIDS and drought have devastated the area for the last 50 years. This village has no running water, no electricity, or even bathrooms. Before we showed up the people had given up all hope, all they could do was pray... The River Church is their answer to prayer.
  • Their tribal neighbors, the Karamajong, believe that all cattle belong to them. They often raid Kapelebyong and will steal cattle, rape women, burn huts, and kill anyone that gets in their way. 
  • These people rely on rain to grow crops and make a living. Without rain, many people starve to death. Drought has been a severe problem the last couple of years, before we arrived in the village 7 people had died of starvation within a months time. 
  • A combination of war, drought and AIDS have killed off many of the adults in Kapelebyong. In a 1.5 sq mile area there are 260+ orphans. It is not out of the ordinary to see 13 year olds raising their younger brothers and sisters because they have lost their parents.

Core Values 
Survival Needs Goals – provide life sustaining resources
  • Village leaders share food and agricultural knowledge with people in other villages and regions
  • 0 deaths by malaria in 2012-2014
  • No visible effects of treatable disease
  • Sponsor all 260 orphans in Oditel (food, medicine, and education)
  • Every person has access to shoes
  • Weekly prayer groups gather to pray

Leadership Development Goals – equip and support villagers villages
  • create sustainable reproducing community garden
  • teach others how to reproduce crops in personal gardens 

  • Raise sufficient funds for building campaigns 
  • Create profile system and ensure qualified students have opportunity to continue education that will benefit the community 
  • Support qualified and passionate teachers
  • Raise education scores.  Currently Kapelebyong ranks 79th out of 80 in the provinces of Uganda.  Help Kapelebyong be in the top 30. 

  • Micro finance businesses in Kapelebyong
  • Help create and support income generating activities for people who want to work

Orphan and Widows
  • Build homes for widows to care for orphans
  • Sponsor all 260 orphans in Oditel, Kapelebyong
  • Build kitchen as a place for orphans and widows to gather  
  • Build latrine
  • IGA’s for widows

Pastoral Equipping 
  • Identify pastor to minister in Oditel, Kapelebyong
  • Help create a system for discipleship of believers 
  • Help Church become the center for resource distribution and sharing with other villages