Monday, June 28, 2010

Why Me?,,, Why Now?,,, Why Uganda?

I graduated with a Bachelors of Science in aeronautical engineering from Western Michigan University back in April 2009. Upon graduating I found myself working for GLA Dynamics out of Vicksburg, MI as a contract engineer. I worked there about 6 months and to make a long story short, I hated my job. It got to the point where I mentally could not get any work done at work or home. One day in October 2009 a friend told me about an administrative assistant (glorified secretary) job that had opened up at The River Church in downtown Kalamazoo. At first I didn't think anything of it, but a few days later I woke up and felt a nudge from the Holy Spirit to apply for this job. So I called the church up and set up an interview for the next day. Within the first five minutes of the interview Wil Crooks and Brian Fraaza both agreed that I was not what they were looking for. So why did I feel compelled to go to the interview if they were not going to give me the job? I knew there had to be some other reason for me being there. After talking for a half hour or so they both suggested that I quit my job and pursue something that I enjoy doing... So I quit my job the next day and for a month I did exactly that with no luck. 

Then one Sunday during church Rob Link (Pastor of The River) pointed directly at me and asked "When does the Holy Spirit lie", he then proceeded to whisper to me the response he wanted and I said "never". This happened two times during that service but it wasn't till later on that I truly grasped the meaning of this. After the Service Wil Crooks invited people forward to learn about a mission trip to Uganda. At the time I thought nothing of it. It would be cool to go to Uganda but I didn't have a job and buying a plane ticket would deplete all of the money I had saved up in my bank account. But the girl sitting next to me wanted to go but didn't want to go up alone, so I went with her. Wil talked about the trip for a few minutes and still I did not have any huge desire to go. Then he asked for all of the people who knew for sure that they were going to step aside and get more detailed information. At that moment everything inside of me jumped and I just started walking over there. The Holy Spirit had hit me like a truck and all of my senses started running wild, it was accompanied with peace and joy. Just after that happened Wil approached me and said that as he was praying for the trip that morning, my name came up and I needed to go on the trip. So here I am, hardly any money, no job, living with my parents, but I knew that I needed to go to Uganda. So I told God that I would go if he gave me a job, and I bought my ticket that night. 8 a.m. the next morning I received a phone call from Wil and the person they hired for the job I applied for a month prior had quit after two days of working and they needed someone to temporarily fill the position. I took this to be an answer to my prayers and started working the next day.

Now that Uganda trip has come and gone and the opportunity to return has presented itself. I did not originally desire to go back to the village but God spoke through several people in my life and now I feel as though I am needed now more than ever. I will be in Uganda from July 20 - August 21. I will be working to get a water storage system that was put in 10 years ago by the government operational using solar power. It hasn't been used in three years because the people cannot afford to pay for the diesel fuel to run it. This system has 25 water spikets that run into the village. It will provide clean drinkable water throughout the year. I will also be starting a soccer league. Currently when the villagers play soccer it's a match of complete chaos as 100 kids and teens run around without any organization. We often forget that sports can transcend everything. What else has the power to break down the walls of language, race, wealth, and poverty. Just look at the World Cup, it's the one time every four years that nations are united with a single purpose. Soccer will unit Kapelebyong and bring them together in ways that would otherwise not be possible. 

None of this will be possible without your help. Would you consider making a tax deductible donation to support this ministry. I need to raise the following:
  • $3500 for travel and living expenses
  • $4000 for solar panels, pumps, storage tanks, and support structures for the water system
You can give by visiting or by sending a check made out to The River, with Brian Strombeck in the subject line to:

The River
ATTN: Susan Lotz
302 Academy St
Kalamazoo, MI 49007

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