Friday, July 9, 2010

Just another ordinary day... then God showed up

Today started off like any other day. Wake up and hit the snooze 3 or 4 times until 45 min later I finally roll out of bed to get ready for work. But this was in no way an ordinary day because today the Mission 6  (thats what we are calling ourselves) were buying plane tickets to Uganda. After weeks of waiting for tickets to drop we finally gave in and decided to make this trip official. We leave July 20 out of Detroit Metro and return August 21. But that's not even the best part of my day. 

I am in complete shock after the events that have occurred. I am a regular attender at the small group that a friend of mine named Jeff leads on Thursday nights. Usually there are about 4 of us who go. Well tonight the Holy Spirit had other things in mind. A guy who I will choose to keep anonymous, lets call him Joe,  just randomly showed up at our group. I have never met Joe before or even seen him. The bible study went really well and at the end of the study Jeff felt led for some reason to pray about me going to Uganda. I said a few words about everything that is going on over there and how we intend to help Oditel. Joe seemed very interested and asked me how much more I needed to raise and at the time I still needed $1500. I thought nothing of the comment as many people have asked me that question and we moved on to praying for Uganda. After we finished up Joe pulled me aside and asked me if I could wait for him a few minutes outside. I had a few things to do in the church so I agreed to meet him in a few minutes. When I was done I walked outside and Joe was nowhere to be found. I thought I had just taken to long and he needed to leave but as I was walking to my car he drove up in his car, got out, and handed me an envelope. I didn't want to be rude and open it right in front of him because there was clearly money inside of the envelope so I put it in my pocket. We chatted for about 10 min and then parted our ways. After he left I took the envelope out of my pocket and noticed that it was cealed shut and had "Emergency" written on it. Inside was 15 $100 bills!!! I was shocked and at a complete loss for words. This was clearly a plan orchestrated by God himself, everything from Joe saving of the money, randomly coming to the bible study, me needing $1500, Joe having $1500, and Joe feeling led to bless Oditel by giving the money to send me. Words cannot describe how thankful I am for what you did today Joe. I pray God blesses you more than you could ever imagine. God truly does answer prayers and the best thing is that he chooses to use the people around us to do it.

1 comment:

  1. I am so thankful for obedient brothers and sisters. God is good and because Joe decided to be obedient, God will multiply that money in many ways. Still in total shock...and I did wake up laughing about it this morning, just as I'd predicted. :) So excited for the Mission 6. Can't wait for more miracles.
