Friday, July 23, 2010

Just another Friday morning

Its Friday morning here and I probably got like 4 or 5 hours of sleep last night, I must still be suffering from jet lag. We will be hanging out in Soroti until Saturday morning when we we head to Kapelebyong. So far this has been a really fun trip filled with very clear visions and prophetic words regarding other team members, and tons of well needed laughter with and at each others expense. Taking it easy today will turn out to be very nice, hopefully we can get out and climb Soroti rock.

Yesterday Joseph told us that one of us would need to preach on Sunday in KP and when he asked who would do it everyone immediately pointed at me. Seeing as one of the major goals is we are trying to accomplish is building community perhaps I will speak on something about loving others. 

So there have been many funny things that have happened and I will try and share those things with you every time I post something. Lets call it the Quote of The Day, I know super original isn't it. You may not find it funny but the 6 of us likely think it's hilarious. 

Quote of The Day: (those who know Joseph, the Childrens Hopechest rep in Uganda will enjoy this)
Joseph: Does anyone have any gum?
Deb: I have some...
Joseph: Thank you, can I have the rest of the pack?
Deb: Sure
Joseph: Does anyone want some of my gum?

1 comment:

  1. I will put it out on the prayer chain to be in prayer for you as you preach on Sunday. I know you will do an awesome job, because I heard you at Kalamazoo 1st & Beit Shalom.

    I hope today will be relaxing and a good chance to bond!

    TL keeps asking me if you heard from Dan Wood about a donation to help with a solar panel. How many panels do you have now?

    Wrote more on the other blog, we lost power when a thunderstorm/tornado (in BC) ripped through at 11:30 pm, so I guess we had rain together.

    Bye for now and thanks for the pictures!!!

    Love, Mom
